To ensure the successful execution of a coupon program, there are several key requisites that must be adhered to when designing a coupon. One of the most important elements is the coupon barcode.

The barcode contains important information about the promotional offer, including the products required to purchase, the value of the incentive, and expiration date, among other information. A properly coded barcode will provide an audit mechanism that will curtail the fraudulent misuse of a coupon.

There have been numerous changes and improvements to the coupon barcode process. For example, the GSl Data Bar contains a multitude of data field options allowing greater flexibility to a manufacturer when it comes to cross-marketing products, promotional tracking, and fraud prevention.

There are a series of intricate procedures and guidelines which must be adhered to when coding the GSl DataBar. As many manufacturers lack the in-house expertise and do not want to invest in internal resources necessary to address these procedures, they commonly outsource these services to third party providers like L.M. Gordon.


Our Coupon Administrative Services include:

  • When manufacturers want to release a new coupon offer, either the client or their promotional agency will submit a release notice form to L.M. Gordon that contains all information necessary to develop the barcode and process the coupon
  • L.M. Gordon reviews the submitted form to ensure that all required information was provided and will input this information into the database of the manufacturer’s coupon processing agent, validating that the master offer file is updated to allow for coupon processing
  •  L.M. Gordon produces an offer code audit report to ensure that all codes have been accurately entered into the processing system
  • The family code is the key to validating that the consumer purchased the promoted product
  • L.M. Gordon maintains its clients’ complete family code file, revising their family code structure, if required, as well as updating or adding to the family code file as a result of new or obsolete products
  • L.M. Gordon also provides an updated file periodically, so family codes can be communicated to retail trading partners
  • L.M. Gordon receives and disseminates offer code requests electronically using a coupon release notice form
  • L.M. Gordon validates that all offer codes accurately reflect each promotion and provides the necessary data elements to create the barcode, including the product purchase requirement (types, sizes, etc.), the value of the incentive, expiration date, along with other information
  • L.M. Gordon audits and reviews promotional experience data to ensure that the program specifics (i.e. redemption rates, circulation) are in-line with anticipated results